<This site is Gunny Approved
Terry's  Military Tribute 
"The Sarge"

SFC  T.J. "Stryker" Bowling
U. S. Army ( Retired )
Served " 1976 to 1996 "


I Was A Soldier, I Am A Soldier, I Will Always Be A Soldier

HQ Platoon 5/73 Armor
Issue #101

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Best Viewed with Internet Edge

Click below links for my favorite videos and web pages

•  My YouTube 11/11/15 Veterans Day Tribute to all those Serving and those that have served in our Armed Forces

•  Older Video I made a couple of years ago "The Bowling Family"

•  My YouTube 2011 Veterans Day Tribute

•  A Welcome Home to all our Fighting Men and Women 

•  Letter of Appreciation received from the Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Army "Freedom Team"

•  My 2009 Video Tribute to those Serving in our Armed Forces, We wish them the Best of Luck this New Year

•  My 2008 Video Tribute to those Serving in our Armed Forces, They are in our thoughts always 

Dedicated to All the Military Families Past and Present  (New Video Army Family Strong)

•  My YouTube 2008 Video Tribute to those Serving in our Armed Forces, We wish them the Best 

My  Tribute to the Fallen Warriors from Stark County and the Great state of Connecticut due to the Iraq & Afghanistan Wars Special  Updated  

There is Nothing on this Green Earth Stronger then the U.S. Army (Newest Video Army Strong)

  Video Tribute to those that Fight for Us (Song By Hank Williams Jr.    A Country Boy can Survive) 

The Average American Fighting Man  

Young Local Warriors of Stark County Doing Their Part against the War on Terror  Special  Updated  

Most Heart Felt Video Tribute that I have Posted So Far (Remember they Fight for You)    

Video Tribute from www.Army.mil (The Year in Photos 2006) Keep them in your thoughts this year 

A Tribute to the Greatest Country in the World ( If not for the Brave, there would be No Land of the Free)   

In Defense of Two Nations Featuring Linkin Park

Tribute to the Passing of the Greatest Generation

Song Sent in by Jerry Calow (A Tribute to all our Veterans) Thanks Larry! 

Freedom Isn't Free

My USArmy Pics 1976-1996

Official U.S. Military & Support Links   



Evolution of Armor

Fort Knox, Kentucky

Home of Armor



4th of July




From all the Wars, and all battles to this day, How you feel about war, has no relevance on the fact, Our Veterans courageously served for us all.
It is our duty to never forget, or to turn our backs on them during Peace or War.


For those that Paid the Ultimate Sacrifice

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.




"In Memory"

    Spec Christopher Lee Hoskins 1st Bn, 9th Inf Reg

        2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division  

        Born  8/7/83   KIA 6/21/2005 Ramadi Iraq


Welcome Family, Friends, and Warriors to my Web Site.

I have created  this web site to share our past and present experiences with our family and friends and to honor the men and women in uniform that have given their all in support of their country. Any comments and suggestions are most welcome. Please enjoy these pages as much as  I have in putting them together.  


                                                                     DAV Life Member


Download of the Month  NEW

Below is the download of the month. Download and try it out today.  

U.S. Army  Warrior 

American Soldier's Creed


Click on Above STAR to Download Screen Saver


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